What is HIKO Nose Thread Lift?

HIKO Nose Thread Lift is a popular non-surgical way of enhancing the shape of the nose and improving its contours, without any surgery.

It is able to raise the nose bridge & nose tips, making it higher, straighter and more defined without invasive nose implant surgery. It also avoids concerns over the use of fillers migrating or causing lumps. After doing the HIKO Thread Lift the nose appears slimmer and more elegant.

It is especially suited to straighten the nose, give a contoured definition and also works as a crooked nose treatment.

Compared to traditional rhinoplasty, which involves surgery and incisions, this procedure is non-surgical, minimally invasive with low downtime.


Benefits of HIKO Nose Thread Lift

  • Results seen after the procedure

  • Non-surgical

  • Quick

  • Little to no downtime

  • Does not have the associative potential side effects of fillers i.e. spread, lumpiness, migration of filler


What to Expect


Are there any before and after photos of HIKO Nose Thread Lift results?

As dictated by Ministry of Health, we are not allowed to publish ‘before’ and ‘after’ images of aesthetic treatments. If you are interested in seeing the full before-and-after results please provide us with your name and email below, and we will send the images to your email address.



HIKO Nose Thread Lift Frequently Asked Questions


What does the procedure involve?

The procedure involves the placement of suture threads into the skin via a blunt cannula. The tissue is repositioned to a desired or optimal position and the cannula is removed. The thread is left in the skin and breaks down over several months to a year.

is the procedure painful?

The procedure requires the use of numbing cream and injectable local anaesthesia to several areas. After this local anaesthesia, the procedure is minimally uncomfortable.

how long does each session take?

The procedure typically takes between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on what area is treated.

is there any downtime?

As this procedure is minimally invasive in nature, downtime is significantly less than that of surgical face lifts.

You can expect some swelling and bruising after the procedure, which can take several days to a week to settle.

Are there any possible side effects?

Common side effects include a sensation of tightness after the procedure. These typically resolve over several days to a week.

Other less common side effects can occur, and are best discussed during consultation.

are the results permanent?

As the sutures used are broken down over time in the body, results are not permanent.

However, as collagen is deposited in place of the resorbed threads, some residual effect remains after the threads are broken down.

Natural results are seen after 2 weeks and, depending on the suture material, a touch-up is advised typically after 9 months to a year.


Got more questions? Contact our clinic for more information or schedule an appointment with our doctor

The Aesthetic Studio | Hiko Nose Threadlift - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)